Dear friends,
Pulsing drums of Native Americans, ancient calls of Scandinavian shepherds, peasant songs from the fields of Hungary, progressive rap and jazz music of our time…
Folk music has long been a source of inspiration for composers, but what about other forms of human musical expression? Bartok, Stravinsky, Schubert, and Dvorak were all inspired to write music that came directly from the people, be it a herding call, speech, or the rhythms of a native gathering. This year’s Salt Bay Chamberfest will explore this richly varied music and the human components that inspired it.
The Brentano String Quartet, violinist Jennifer Koh, and pianist Benjamin Hochman are among many esteemed artists who will return to Salt Bay Chamberfest this summer, and performers such as Markus Rhoten, principal timpanist with the New York Philharmonic, and Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center bassoonist Peter Kolkay will join us for the first time. We welcome fascinating musical guests including Norwegian folk singer Kjersti Kveli, jazz musicians Sean Jones (trumpet), Robin Eubanks (trombone), Ben Williams (bass), and Nate Smith (drums), as well as Maine’s own Penobscot Nation musicians, the Burnurwurbskek singers and drummers.
I am very pleased that we will again offer the Music & Nature Camp and Concert for children in collaboration with the Damariscotta River Association and the Lincoln Theatre. Please read more about this and other community programs on our Education page.
Do join us this August in the Darrows Barn for Salt Bay Chamberfest 2013. The drums are beating, the music is beckoning… I look forward to seeing you!
Wilhelmina Smith
Founder, Artistic & Executive Director
Folk Music
Four Festival Concerts: August 6, 9, 13 & 16
Festival Concerts begins at 7:30 pm
Pre-concert lecture at 6:30 pm
Season Subscription $100
Includes admission into four evening concerts and pre-concert lectures
Single Concert Ticket $30 General Admission/$5 Students with valid ID
Includes admission into concert and pre-concert lecture
Festival Concert 1
August 6, 2013
Tuesday at 7:30 pm
Darrows Barn, Round Top Farm in Damariscotta, ME
Pre-concert lecture at 6:30 pm
Schubert Shepherd on the Rock
Schubert Fantasy in C
Karin Rehnqvist Puksånger - lockrop (Timpanum Songs - Herding Calls)
Ilana Davidson, Kjersti Kveli and Charlotte Mundy, sopranos
Jennifer Koh, violin
Romie de Guise-Langlois, clarinet
Markus Rhoten, timpani
Benjamin Hochman, piano
Festival Concert 2
August 9, 2013
Friday at 7:30 pm
Darrows Barn, Round Top Farm in Damariscotta, ME
Pre-concert lecture at 6:30 pm
Traditional Tango, Waltz, Ragtime
Derek Bermel “Half and Half”, featuring 50% (world premiere)
Stravinsky L’Histoire du Soldat -full version
Malcolm Gets, Narrator/Devil
Derek Bermel, spoken word/composer and Soldier
Jonathan Crow, violin
Ben Williams, bass
Romie de Guise-Langlois, clarinet
Peter Kolkay, bassoon
Sean Jones, trumpet
Robin Eubanks, trombone
Daniel Druckman, percussion
Nate Smith, drums
Festival Concert 3
August 13, 2013
Tuesday at 7:30 pm
Darrows Barn, Round Top Farm in Damariscotta, ME
Pre-concert lecture at 6:30 pm
Penobscot traditional Native Singing and Drumming
Raven Chacon Taago Dez’ a
Janacek Violin Sonata
Dvorak Piano Quartet in Eb
Burnurwurbskek Singers, singing and drumming
Jonathan Crow, violin
Misha Amory, viola
Wilhelmina Smith, cello
Pedja Muzijevic, piano
Festival Concert 4
August 16, 2013
Saturday at 7:30 pm
Darrows Barn, Round Top Farm in Damariscotta, ME
Pre-concert lecture at 6:30 pm
Ives Piano Trio
Bartok String Quartet No. 4
Schumann Piano Quintet
Brentano String Quartet (Mark Steinberg and Serena Canin, violins, Misha Amory, viola, Nina Lee, cello)
Wilhelmina Smith, cello
Thomas Sauer, piano
Special Events
Benefit Concert
June 23, 2013
Sunday at 3:00 pm
Christmas Cove, So. Bristol, Maine
Cellist Wilhelmina Smith, our founder and Artistic Director, will play some Handel arias with soprano Ilana Davidson, in a private living room overlooking the sea. Tickets are $150, tax-deductible, for this afternoon of fine music, delicious food (generously provided by Red Plate Catering), and the great company of fellow music-lovers. All proceeds will benefit the August 2013 Festival.
Music & Nature Camp
Music & Nature Camp
August 5-16, 2013
Five days a week, 9-4
DRA, Belvedere Road, Damariscotta
This program for 9 to 12 year olds inaugurated in 2012 with the Damariscotta River Association and the Lincoln Theater will take place from August 5 to 16, with a concert on August 17. Nationally renowned composer and music educator Jon Deak and DRA’s Education Coordinator, Sarah Gladu, have blended the curriculum Deak has used successfully for over 15 years in the Very Young Composers project of the New York Philharmonic with the popular Camp Mummichog curriculum, which Gladu developed and has directed since 2006. By the end of the 2-week session, each camper will complete an original piece of music. On Saturday morning, August 17, the young composers and the community will hear the world-premier of their new works played by the Brentano String Quartet. To register a lucky 9-12 year old for the Music & Nature Camp at the DRA, visit the DRA Education page and download the appropriate forms. Since there are only 10 spaces, we expect the session to fill up quickly, so act now to be a part of this fine program.
Master Class
Join us for a series of masterclasses with Maine’s best young musical talent.
Jonathan Crow
August 9, 2013
Friday at 1:00 pm
Schooner Cove, 35 Schooner Street, Damariscotta, ME
Canadian violinist Jonathan Crow will coach three advanced young players in performance technique and artistry. The three masterclass participants are violinist Gianluca Pane of Wilton, a sophomore at Brown University who will play the first movement of the Prokofiev Violin Concerto No. 2 in G Minor; violinist Hanna Renedo, a rising senior at Orono High School, who will play Largo from Violin Sonata No. 3 in C Major piece; and Shelley Armer of Santa Fe, NM, who is an intern for the Salt Bay Festival this year. She is a junior at the Jacob’s School of Music at Indiana University studying viola performance and will play Prelude from Cello Suite No. 4 in E flat by J. S. Bach. Schooner Cove and Newcastle Square Realty Associates are the sponsors of this masterclass.
Brentano String Quartet
August 16, 2013
Monday at 3:00 pm
Darrows Barn at Round Top, Damariscotta, ME
Featuring a first reading by the Brentano String Quartet of 10 new student compositions from the Music & Nature Camp.
Family Concerts
Salt Bay Chamberfest will offer an interactive and fun family concert
Family Concert
August 17, 2013
Saturday at 10:30 am
Lincoln Theater
Conductor Mark Mandarano, Salt Bay Chamberfest’s dynamic and popular pre-concert lecturer and program annotator, will emcee the proceedings, which will premiere 10 student compositions from the Music & Nature Camp, as well as engaging classical works played by the Brentano String Quartet. Children of all ages are welcome!
The event is open to the public free of charge. (first come, first serve)
2013 Roster
Benjamin Hochman
Pedja Muzijevic
Thomas Sauer
Derek Bermel
Romie de Guise-Langlois
Sean Jones, trumpet
Robin Eubanks, trombone
Daniel Druckman, percussion
Markus Rhoten, timpani
Nate Smith, drums
Ilana Davidson, soprano
Malcolm Gets, actor
Kjersti Kveli, soprano
Charlotte Mundy, soprano
Brentano String Quartet
Burnurwurbskek Singers